Tuesday 13 November 2007

Trip to Italy - Day 0 - Friday

We were not scheduled to start on Friday but thanks to BMI which changed the flight schedule less than a month from departure date. They changed out flight from Heathrow to Naples from 11am to 9am. Travel from Belfast and reaching Heathrow was impossible on Saturday and therefore we had to start a day early.

Again thanks to http://www.hotwire.com, I was able to book 3*/4* Holiday Inn for £38 for a night. One word of caution, there are 3 Holiday Inns near Heathrow and different Hoppa buses to reach the hotel. So, make sure you know your destination hotel well and the confirm the Hoppa bus no. with your hotel as travelling with 2 kids was always going to be a risky affair unless you have done your home work well.

The hotel was a classic one to start the trip. We got a room on the 6th Floor and reached hotel at 10pm just in time for a good night's sleep. These hotel people were so good that they had a cot for my 1 year old but the still one like to sleep cosily between the mom and dad so the cot was a waste of space.

Ronnie had his own bed and was very exicited and ready for his first trip he could remember for his lifetime!!!

Saturday 13 October 2007

Breaking News!!!

Anik has won the Sa-re-ga-ma-pa world cup and England is on their way after beating France on their home ground and so is Australia on their way to defeat India and avenging their 20-20 world cup defeat.

The royal mail postal strike is off. But just wonder how many special delivery mails would have to be sent instead of 1st class making up for the loss of the reputation and other financial losses that everyone is talking about.

Ofcom has also stated that now the customers can try Broadband before sign up the contract. This awesome for the customers and I applaud what ofcom has come up with. They are also changing the way the Broadband products are advertised (upto 8mb). Such label will not appear and customers will have to be give the average speed that they can get at their homes.

My italy plan was almost getting derailed by BMI who changed their scheduled flight time for the Heathrow Naples flight. Now we have to travel to Heathrow the night before. Hotwire.com zindabad. 38 pounds and a 4* hotel near Heathrow.

Thursday 4 October 2007

When in Rome, do as the Romans do

It took me more than 2 weeks to plan my trip to Italy. With 2 kids, I think it is okay. I have come with a capability. It's called MIT (ManageItalyTrip). You can call this capability for free. It will give you how to get Italian Visa, book recommended hotels, bus and train information and area info. This capability is dedicated to all my friends who have given me advice and help to plan the trip.

Back to sports. Tomorrow the 20-20 champions plan their 3rd match against the 50-50 champions. Australia is leading 1-0. 1st one was washed out. Vishy has become world champion again and Hamilton is one his way to become the 1st rookie world champion. Forturne favours the brave.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Planning a Trip to Italy

Well this is becoming a challenge for me. With 2 kids, convincing my wife is taking most of my time during this planning phase. Some relief as Ryan Air is starting their "cheap" services from Belfast City Airport. If I stay for another quarter, I am going to get this trip done. I just hope that it's not a checklist driven trip but a nice relaxing one. I have to apply for Leave, buy Air Tickets, book hotels, get Visa and plan the entire itinerary. Tedious task, if you are alone.

So, this Sunday, I have a target to come up with project plan to make this successful. I will draw up the Gantt Chart and do some Critical Path Analysis. This is all coming out of my recent course with Universities 21. I feel that it's a great business sense and fully address the objective of itself and its customers. Another great venture like Reliance, Easyjet or Ryanair.

Today is another great sports day with Twenty20 World Cup Super 8s and formula 1. It's big question to ask but where will the 100 millon dollar fine from Maclaren be utilized? Scandals are always good, it add spice to our lives.

Sunday 9 September 2007


Well another disappointing loss in the finals of cricket. Hope it will not be repeated in the Asia Cup hockey where India plays South Korea. A win will directly take India to the world cup. I hope Shah Rukh Khan magic will hold good.

Today I am going to spend some time buying an apple product. I have heard they are really pretty good. I have been always supporter of innovation. Being part of the software development team also give as lots of opportunity to be part of an innovative team. Every solution that is designed and delivered is a product of innovative thought processes.

Just think how's the digital camera has changed everything? It would be nice to see some stats for that matter. Like how many digital cameras are being sold vs non digital cameras. After spending couple of month with us, even my mom now owns a digital camera.

I hope today F1 is won by Hamilton. I have got hooked to F1 after seeing the ITV folks pre-race presentation. It's given me lots of insights to the race which might be tad boring after the 1st lap unless there are accidents and crashes. I would be really interested to know how my TCS colleagues help Ferrari win races.

Saturday 1 September 2007

Fitness Freak

Who would have thought, I would be running 3Kms everyday? Well, the day has arrived when running/jogging have become a passion of mine. Other passion nowadays everyone has is orkutting. I don't know where from Orkut Buyukkokten got the idea, if it was original or borrowed, but do we care?

Coming back to subject of fitness, nowadays every other person is a member of a fitness club. But do we really require these fitness clubs to help us becoming lean? I would disagree. If we have the passion and focus, a 3Km jog followed by a healthy eating everyday will help you achieve the same.

This weekend is going to be another interesting one with Sania and Bhupathi pairing up in doubles at the US Open and Chakde Indian Cricket team trying to save the blushes by keeping the one day series against England alive. It's really sad that Cricket still get so much focus and India's Nehru Cup win will go unnoticed.

Personally, it has been a hectic week with another quarter coming to an end, efforts are maximum to keep the project running for another. Focus is more on delivering business benefit to the customers and developing really generic and reusable code. I am blessed with having a very wonderful and dedicated development team helping me achieve the targets.

Sunday 26 August 2007

Getting underway...

Well...atlast with some inspiration from friends, I am underway with my first post.

Today is Sunday and at 8am as it feels as if the entire Belfast is sleeping. I never felt the same when I was working and living in the states. US never sleeps, however small the town maybe. There would be a superstore open 24x7x365 days and people moving in and out of it. In UK, it's been just the opposite. The shops close at 5pm at weekdays and they are not even open on Sundays.

Well who cares, when you have superfast broadband at home. The bank-holiday long weekend is well underway and so are the deals. Canon UK is giving super cashback deals and I just now I have just now finished ordering a A560 with 2Gb memory and other accessories.

Today is also big day for sport with Formula and Manchester United playing. Will Hamilton win? If he does, man, he will be declared god!!! How can he just keep winning on his first formula one season? Well, someone's graph goes up while others come down and such is the balance of nature. Sir Alex did not have such a bad start to the premiership season. ManU is languising at the bottom on the table after they won the championship last season.

Yesterday, it has been a great day for the Indian sport with Sania and Bhupathi winning the doubles tournament at New Haven, CT. It's a shame that there is no news cover by the India media. Shamefully, they still focus on cricket!!!